Cheyenne's Blog's

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Signs that he doesn't like me

Living in a world of technology doesn't make it easy knowing whether a guy likes you or not. It's not easy meeting someone in the real world these days. We are now left with limited options on how we meet new people. Today we find ourselves looking for love in the online world. If you've found this site, you're most likely stuck with no other choice other than meeting Mr. Right through an online dating site. Why, because the club days are over and you don't really want to meet your soul mate in a bar! It is especially difficult when you're in your mid-twenties to late forties because you've experienced dating during or before the world turned technical.

We've all asked the question "Does he like me?" We've bugged our friends, family, and co-worker's about it, but when all else fails, you can always get online. The 'old faithful' Internet will always have your back! That's what got us here in the first place my dear. Thank goodness for Google. You can come to Google for anything and you don't have to worry about being the "over analyzer" or the "over thinker". That is how you found this amazing website anyway, right? I'm glad you've made it here. No Gimmicks! No "Read this first" for a costly, lengthy explanation or "Buy this book for answers". I'm just going to get straight to the point.

Here are some of the most common, messy, yet confusing questions that we've all asked ourselves at some point or another in our lives.

" I met this amazing guy online! We eventually exchanged phone numbers and everything was going really great. We talked for several weeks and finally met face to face just a few days ago. Now he's not texting as much. When I ask him if everything is okay, he gives me all of these new excuses. First he was busy at work, then he was tired, and now I seem to be the one initiating everything. Does he still like me?"

Ladies, this is what I like to call the "Slow Fade". This is when you meet a great guy and then 'out of nowhere' he starts to vanish. All of the sudden "Mr. Right" becomes "Mr. Not So Available", leaving you left wondering what happened. You've got an electronic broken heart. These feelings of doubt and confusion are something that comes with artificial dating. The brain is tricked. It's not real.

"I really started to like this guy and he claimed that he really liked me as well. The two of us had so much in common, it wasn't even funny! I just don't get what happened".

If you're here reading this then you should be proud of yourself because you've already come so far. You've definitely come to the right place. I can see that you already know deep down that something just isn't right here. You have just passed the third most hardest part. The second most hardest part is when you came up with every possible reason why he could be doing this and you've found that you didn't do anything wrong at all. You did your best but here comes the hardest part of it all, You've now begun to question yourself. You are driving yourself nuts because you've started to over think and over analyze every little thing and text message.

"Did I do something wrong? Am I not pretty enough?" Did he meet someone else?"

No, No, No! Wipe that thought out of your pretty, smart little head of yours immediately. It's completely normal to do this. In fact it's how our subconscious thoughts get us through this. When we over think, we exhaust the thought. It tires you out so that if you get hurt it won't be as bad. To answer the questions we over ask ourselves. Unfortunately, there's a slim chance that he was judging you for such pathetic little things. That is his ego. He knows you're too good for him. Be happy when he finds the one because he needed someone beneath him. He's not good enough for you anyway!

Your gut is always right! It could be any or all of the above,but nine times out of ten, it isn't you honey! In fact, this guy is probably beneath your beautiful self. You typically don't date this type. You settled and now you've got Mr. No Good's all over the place taking pieces out of your self esteem because of it. This whole "He's Just Not That Into You" is over rated and out dated honey! It's him not you. You're too good for him and you have forgotten this only because you've gotten to know him a little. You settled. Now you have to put your crown back on and forget all about this douche bag. Trust me, he is not worth it and he doesn't deserve you.

"What seems to be the problem"?

Dating sites are just like anything else out there. You get what you pay for. If it's free, well then it's not always the best quality. We can't always afford quality but we will always be worth it! Online dating sites are like lemon car lots. It can look amazing on the outside but as soon as you take it for a test drive, the starter's broken, there's no engine, or both. If you are a young woman and you are paying money for a fancy dating site, you may find money, but with money comes trouble. There are a lot of controlling men that seek out weak woman on these sites. There's a reason why he's single. This man will want you to stop working. He will buy you gifts, wine, and dine you. As soon as he starts going off about his "crazy ex wife" saying unthinkable things about her or tells you "He never hit her and how she ruined his life". Run don't walk! You do not need this in your life. He will do the same to you and he will turn on you. It's only a matter of time.In this case, be glad that he doesn't like you. You are an obsession, a possible 'fixer upper' to him, and you are just his next victim.

Signs that he likes you. 

He will text you first thing in the morning and right before he goes to sleep because you are always on his mind.
If he has truly been busy, he will be eager to show you why he's been busy.
He sends cute little text messages through out the day.
He will text you when he's out with his friends or on vacation.
He will want to see you as much as possible and try to make plans.
He talks about you to his family and friends.
He wants to know how your day has been.
He talks about the future with you.
He asks you questions about your life because he wants to know everything about you.
He doesn't force or pressure you to do anything you don't want to do or aren't ready for.
He respects your morals.
There are no timelines, boundaries, or limits on the relationship. It goes with the flow.

Signs he doesn't like you or is just using you.

He rarely texts or calls you. When you confront him, he gets defensive and makes excuses.
He lies about little things. For example: He tells you he was asleep but slips up later and tells you he took his depressed friend out for a drink.
The text messages and conversation always ends up leading to sex.
He puts timeliness, boundaries, and limits on the relationship. He will tell you it's too soon to talk about the future, slow down, or that you're just not there yet.
He talks about his ex all of the time.
He still logs on to the dating sites.
He won't touch you in public and will rarely go out in public with you.
His idea of a good time is staying in with you so you can "cuddle".
My advise to you while dating.

Always rely on your gut instincts. If you sense any of the above in a guy you've been talking to, just turn the other way and don't look back. He doesn't like you and you can't change that. I know this is really harsh especially when you have the illusion that everything is great. If he pulls the  'slow fade'  on you, don't even look back sweetheart! Controlling men will actually use this tactic as a form of manipulation to test your weakness. This is how they break you in and make you their victim. Don't be a victim. It's so hard but he can be gone just as fast as he was here. Look for the signs and when you see them and don't let him take anymore from you. Cut out of his life before he hurts you.. Be strong. Play the field. If you meet a guy online and he has a cropped out picture in his profile of his ex wife, he's not over her. You are the rebound and you don't have time to waist honey. Remember, the feelings you're having are generic and you are suffering from a technical heart break. It's not real. The brain doesn't know that but you do. The best you can do is move on to the next right away. You were just settling in the beginning anyway so delete him, block him, spam him, and lose his number for good. If he tries to contact you, flat out ignore him.

Take a new path by giving that really nice guy or guys that keep messaging, that have been dying to meet you. Give this one a chance.There will be no question or doubt in your mind when a guy genuinely likes you. That is the secret to the question. When there is no question, that is how to tell if a guy likes you. You will never have to second guess his behavior. You will feel complete content and trust him right off the bat.

There will be no feelings of confusion. It will just fit like a puzzle.

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